I have always been a huge Jaquline Wilson fan and after reading "The Suitcase Kid" (still one of my favourite books) decided I wanted a little sylvanian rabbit of my own.
I never had a collection of them, they were so expensive! And little Radish never had a fancy sylvanian mansion but she was quite content with my pocket <3
I was also pleased to discover that I wasn't the only child in the world who never actually played with toys.

I had plenty of little sets teeny weeny familys being my absoloute favourites,

I used to own these sets plus many more, but never actually did anything but set them up and arrange them all nicely. After doing this I would simply take everything out and arrange it all again. (I was a strange child I know!)
I was the same with my bedroom, always crafting dens from cardboard boxes and big blankets, I had a perfect pale blue one that was huge enough to cover the chairs/boxes/desk that created my den walls, but also let plently of light in. I spent half my childhood in the dens I crafted within my bedroom, I was lucky enough to have parents that allowed this and didn't make us take them down at the end of everyday! I think my longest lasted about a month, I turned the cardboard box wall into a cuboard and drew little pictures on the doors so cute!
Anyhoo I will stop my rambaling as I have a LOT of mess to tidy/organise, plus some baby cards to finish, I will post pictures of the finished result soon!