I also told my manager that I won't be working next year.
I don't really know what to make of this decision.
Money would be useful, but at the same time knowing how unorganized I am, and how I really find it hard to sit down and do University work all day long I think I will need as few distractions as I can get!
Also I hate letting people down, If asked to do any overtime I find it really hard to say no, even if I really should.
Saturday I called in sick for the first time since I started, I really wasn't up to going. I felt sick and don't think the long train journey would have helped matters either. I really got worked up about doing this, I don't know why I am just silly like that.
Ironically my attendance to certain lectures at university in the past has not been the best, but then I am only effecting myself so it is a lot easier to do.
Next year I will go to ALL lectures, even ones I believe to be unimportant.
One perk of not working I am looking forward to having a Christmas holiday this year, I have worked two Christmas eve's in my life, but much prefer not too. I like being tucked up inside by the Christmas tree chatting away to Mum <3
It's also a tradition in my house to have a meal together late on Christmas eve just before bed, we eat meals together all the time anyway but there is just something special, a magic that fills the air only on Christmas eve.