If you didn't know me what would you think about me?
Would you think I was a pink person or a blue person?
Would you think I was a rom-com or a thriller kind of girl?
or maybe just a damn unusual girl?
A girl who always has to have the latest designer labels or is happier in pajamas?
A girl who is shy or outgoing?
Someone that over-thinks every little thing or someone impulsive?
Someone who lives in the real world or the worlds she creates for herself?
A person who fits in or someone who doesn't really fit anywhere?
A girl who cares what other people think or a girl who doesn't?
Someone who eats the icing and leaves the cake or eats the cake and leaves the icing?
A person who likes the finer things or is happy without?
Someone hard to read or open like a book?
A realist or an idealist?
A girl who you think you know but don't, or a girl who you think you don't know but actually do?
