Ok so after deciding I was going to really try and focus more on my business I thought about why it hadn't been working so far. I alwyas have ideas, its just when it comes to making things I let myself down.
I made some cards at the start of the year that I was really pleased with but was treating them all as individual art pieces and making then as cute and pretty as possible. I can't help it its in my nature, I have to over-do things I have trouble keeping things simple! I like busy things so was attatching as many beads/bows/sequins etc as possible, resulting in each card taking me over an hour to produce.
Hardly a good way to make money, even though I was truly proud of the cards I had made!
Anyway after all that reflecting I came up with some new designs (the one's shown are some of my faves) that hopefully still have the georgi charm, but are much quicker to create. I also personalise on request so any orders are always welcome!
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