Wednesday, 20 June 2012


I finally have a photo of our new addition to the family! Meet Gus! I have always loved Gus from Cinderella, and now we have our very own Gus Gus even if he is a hamster instead of a mouse! We have had him a few weeks now and his personality is really starting to show, he has an excellent temperament and is super fluffy and cute!

He is a long haired syrian hamster. I didn't think hamsters would be that different from Guinea pigs except for the fact they sleep a lot longer, but they are such different pets! The main difference is that Gus makes his cage how he wants it, he moves his bedding around to make a little nest, and hides food around his cage and changes things as he pleases, it is quite funny to see what he does!

He loves to scurry around when we handle him, the one thing I still have to get used to is the fact he doesn't make any noise! I am that used to the different noises the guinea pigs make I always know if they are happy, hungry or wanting to be put back in their cage. Sometimes they love to be cuddled and other times they just want to run around, I am that used to reading their different behaviour and knowing what they want but with Gus I still don't have a clue! He seems to be settling in well though!



  1. He's so cute! I bet he is really tiny compared to the piggies xxx

    1. Yeah he is! He is growing fast though and I think he is quite big for a hamster! Maybe it is just the fluff though he has so much fur! :) xxx
