Friday 11 May 2012

Fat Chance

I have mentioned my love for Catherine Robinson's books before on my blog. As a teenager I was constantly on the look out for new titles by her and was always hounding booksellers with enquiries about when her next titles were due, so how this one passed me by I no idea!

Tin Grin was the first book I read by Robinson, and until about a week ago I never knew there was a sequel. Fat Chance follows Mattie through six form, and was packed FULL the wonderful amazing teenage drama's, tantrums, sarcastic responses, and one liners that I identified so well with back when I first started to read her books.

Having now past that stage in my life, reading this book from a more mature perspective just made it all the more hilarious! I won't say It was the best book I have read by her (Celia and Tin Grin are still my fave's) however it was so fantastic to enjoy a novel by her once again. Sadly as I mentioned before all her books are now out of print. I had to buy this one second hand online, but it was well worth the hunt. I you ever come across any of her novels and love a good old bit a teen drama then Catherine Robinson is your Queen!!



  1. I've never heard of Catherine Robinson, you did well to track this one down, I often discover there are sequels to books I never knew about! xxx

  2. I think you would love Catherine Robinson books! They are great! xxx
