Friday 27 May 2011

Tough Love

I thought I would post a little Millie update as it's been a while and a lot has happened!

Out next trip to the vet confirmed our fears that the operation hadn't gone as we had hoped, the grape size lump turned out to be filled with nasty things. The vet decided to take out the stitches and sort her out leaving an open wound.

We went back two days later to have this cleaned, and fingers crossed she is good again! The vet didn't end up even having to clean it as it had scabbed over and begun to heal nicely. We are having to bandage her foot in the mean time so she can't scratch!

Today we were changing the bandage which proved impossible, she didn't like us for it and would not hold still! We eventually got a bandage on although not as well as I would have liked due to the wriggling! We decided to try re-doing it in half an hour after she had calmed down a bit. 
Sure enough in that time she had managed to bite it off and scratch part of the scab, making herself bleed. Eventually we got a bandage back on but she didn't like us for it... That has to be the worst part of pet ownership. I hate having to do these things!

She is back to her old self now though, jumping around all over the place a squeaking for food every time she hears the fridge door or the rustling of a food bag!

She has become quite affectionate, often licking and gently nibbling when she is happy. But as I discovered the other day, do not let her do this after you have been handling her food - she may mistake you for it!

My birthday treats have been arriving all week and the majority of these are Millie orientated!
So expect a Millie filled birthday post!



  1. thats a point, i have your present here for you!

  2. Aww! You shouldn't have silly! would be great to see you soon though has been FOREVER!xxx

  3. When is your birthday? Have I missed it?

  4. No it's on the first of June :) excited!! hehe x
